Welcome to iPDA

Built with Debt Counselors in mind, the iPDA delivers superior collections, distributions and reporting capabilities.


We offer a range of benefits and controls that makes the way you serve your clients faster, cheaper and more intuitive.

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Ready for data-driven success! - iPDA

How our story began

About us

With more than 15 years of collection, distribution and reporting expertise the intuitive PDA has become the PDA of choice.

Integrated cloud-based technology means secure access and processing can be done from anywhere at any time, with a world-class process that enables you to collect from your consumers and distribute their payment to their nominated creditors.




How it works


  • Collections are the life-line of a Debt Counselor.
  • We focus relentlessly on increasing collection rates and continuously look for new and improved collection mechanisms to add to our capability set.
  • Various payment collection methods are available, such as;
    • Debicheck (TT1 real time and TT2 delayed)
    • Debit EFT (Ad-hoc strikes and Restrike functionality)
    • EFT


We are integrated with our banker, ensuring fast and seamless payments to Credit Providers and Debt Counselors.

Same day distribution runs are processed for collections received by 10h00.

Debt Counselor fees can be paid on day 1, alleviating cash flow constraints, which is but one of the many levers available whereby the iPDA can customize certain business rules to accommodate your business needs.


The iPDA provides a holistic view of your business performance through comprehensive reporting that enables Debt Counselors to effectively monitor and manage activities, including:

  • Collection management
  • Distribution management
  • Plan and exception management.

These capabilities are looped back to the integrated front end, with interactive action driven dashboards.

Dive into the Future of Debt Counseling with iPDA
iPDA is One of the<br />
FOUR registered<br />
Payment<br />
Distribution<br />
Agencies<br />
in South Africa.

Consumer and Plan Validation

Validation ensures accuracy, which leads to less time spent on correcting errors.

  • Consumer validation is done by verifying the consumer ID being correct.
  • Account verification services (AVS) allows for verification of the Identity of an account holder against the bank account number supplied.
  • Plan validation by verifying all creditor references and account details matches the payment rules provided by the major banking institutions in SA.

Exceptions management

The iPDA investigates all payment exceptions as part of the Payment Plan Validation Rules and with the assistance of major creditor groups, the validation rules improves on an ongoing basis, therefore reducing exceptions.

Our Debt Counselors are equipped with an exception management tool, which makes resolving of exception funds hassle free by resolving pending exception transactions directly on the iPDA platform, thus eliminating email and telephone instructions/enquiries completely.

Net settlement

In the event of consumer debit order reversals the iPDA will firstly attempt to collect all available funds from the consumer profile before net settling DC fees.

This means no more invoicing by the PDA for unearned fee returns.

The iPDA provides you with



  • System set up and onboarding support
  • System training
  • Dedicated Relationship Manager
  • Client Service Support Desk via help@intuitive.co.za

System Messaging

The iPDA integrated a messaging service into the front end workflow system, ensuring your consumer stays in touch with the process, from onboarding and with every payment going forward.


Business Rules

All our Debt Counselors are regarded as partners, each with their own unique business requirements and therefore we have a host of levers available whereby the iPDA can customize certain business rules to accommodate your business needs.


Service Model

With our self service model enabled (and the capabilities ever growing) we empower Debt Counsellors and Creditors to resolve and manage some of the queries that required the PDA’s assistance previously to facilitate prompt query resolution and an overall better experience.

Features included on the iPDA self service UI:

  • Management of all consumer exception funds;
  • Generating proof of payments and/or creditor payment schedules;
  • Generating any ad hoc DC reporting – including recon reports, which enables a Debt Counsellor to provide the Consumers or Creditors with a full holistic view of all funds received and distributed.


Our Integrated Front End System Solutions

Intuitive Front End (IFE)

intuitive is set to revolutionize the debt review industry and your business.

The unique software is intuitive by design with a modular approach, which allows for a fully personalized experience, customized to your business needs.

Because the market deserves better, more intuitive solutions.

Download Brochure

For more information, click here to download the product brochures in PDF format

Lead & Application

An integrated API  process solution that allows for a streamlined sales cycle from lead to onboarding.
Onboarding & Negotiations
The unique workflow solution assists in the onboarding of a consumer into the debt review program effortlessly.

Payment Plan

The different plan calculation, credit bureau integrations and plan validation rules allows your establishment to onboard viable candidates suited to your business.

Legal/ Court Proceedings

An integrated legal solution that allows for minimal process delays, as the attorneys can access all required information and provide your establishment with real-time feedback, eliminating time and money wasted.

Road to Recovery

Automation, from messaging to the consumer portal, allows for consumer self service which ensures a low touch low cost model, whilst continuing to deliver service excellence.


Our software was built with the NCA and subsequent industry agreements as foundation.

This coupled with our extensive Debt Review experience makes Maximus the most complete Debt Counseling Software available for Debt Counselors to efficiently navigate through every step of the Debt Counseling Process.

Visit Website

For more information, click here to visit the Maximus website.

Our Partners

Partner with us to change the way you work.


Get in Touch

Suite 27
Monument Park Shopping Centre
73 Skilpad Road, Monument Park
Pretoria 0181

012 004 2888

New Business Enquiries

Existing Debt Counselors & Consumers