What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

A habit is something that becomes automatic given enough repetition, and then becomes easier to maintain.

Good habits are formed with hard work and dedication.

By adopting healthy habits, success is sure to follow.

Here at iPDA, we cultivate good habits like:

  • Continuous personal growth;
  • Preparing today for tomorrow;
  • Encouraging our team to provide solutions rather than problems.

New Year’s resolutions tend to not have longevity without an action plan!

Make the iPDA part of your plan this year!

We offer seamless collection and distribution capabilities, comprehensive reporting and a whole range of controls and benefits that make the way you serve your consumers fast, cheaper and, well, more intuitive!

Here’s to a year of better habits and positive thinking!

To part of the iPDA journey, simply send an email to info@ipda.co.za.


Get in Touch

Suite 27
Monument Park Shopping Centre
73 Skilpad Road, Monument Park
Pretoria 0181

012 004 2888

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